This award will be to recognize any Golden who promotes the breed through avenues other than competitive titling events. The dog who distinguishes himself in areas such as hospital visitations, schools, breed booths, pet expos, public education, or service to mankind in general will be the winner of this award. Dogs must be nominated for this trophy and may be nominated by any club member, including the dog's owner. A written statement of the reasons for the nomination and the dog's accomplishments must be submitted.














2013 Blu Tixgold Sapphire Sea

2014 Blu Tixgold Sapphire Sea


​CHIMO has visited the hospital in Black Diamond for many years now at the Rising Sun ward. Together, Chimo and Em Berberich, have earned their 100 hours badge from their work there. For the past year they have also been participating in Literacy for Life, where they go to Big Rock School on a scheduled basis. They have also gone to Dr. Morris Gibson and have also attended the Okotoks Library. He lies down on the floor while kids of various sizes and abilities can pat him and read to him in order to build up their confidence and enjoyment of reading.  


CHIMO is well known in the community - he goes to Old Folks Homes, hospitals and schools to visit and give high 5's or paw shakes as well as other tricks which the school kids enjoy. He and Em go to the Rising Sun Seniors Ward at Oilfields Hospital in Black Diamond where Em plays piano and he lies on his mat until invited to go around (on his own - while Em’s playing) and meet as many of the seniors as want to stroke him. He seems to sense whoever needs and wants him and will lie down at their feet until he’s told it's time to go. At Big Rock School he's grown especially fond of the children and will give them a gentle greeting and then lie down on his mat and put his head on their sneaker/shoe while they read. They have done well over 100 hours at the Rising Sun and are on their second year at Literacy for Life. At the Old Folks Home they go out to the public sitting area where he meets and greets and then goes through an obedience routine with a few extras thrown in... get shot on a recall or hold a treat on his paw/nose until released. They do see some Seniors, otherwise lost in daydreams, come back to focus.


​BUBBLES is a P.A.L.S. pet visitation therapy dog. Her and Kathy Evanson McMahon visit residents at the McKenzie Towne Long Term Care facility twice a month, and students in residence at the University of Calgary. Bubbles exemplifies the perfect Golden Retriever temperament, and is proving to herself to be a valuable asset to the PALS program. Bubbles is friendly and well behaved with the 6 dogs on their team. She sits politely and patiently beside each resident while they pet and talk to her. The degree to which each individual is able to respond to her varies greatly, but Bubbles reads each person immediately and acts accordingly. Kathy is extremely proud of and grateful for her ability to bring such comfort and joy! They look forward to a wide variety of Pet Therapy visits this coming year. Visiting 911 Call Centre workers and “Story Book” visits at Calgary Public Libraries, where children gain confidence by reading aloud to dogs, are just two of the many opportunities for which Bubbles is very well suited. She truly is a great “Ambassador” for the PALS Program and for the breed. 


Zephyr was born in 2008 in Dewinton, Alberta. As a pup he came into our home much to the annoyance of our Flat Coat, Spirit. Zephyr was obsessed with door mats and took several apart, I can only assume he was inspecting the weaves and found them not to his standards. I also purchased at least 3 pairs of shoes for visitors as one shoe from each pair was, also, deconstructed by my young golden scientist. At almost exactly a year he settled and never touched another mat or shoe. His personality was always sunny and bold. This guy is not afraid of anything not even thunder, he loves to be vacuumed and follows me around when I am cleaning. After some great coaching and gentlish pushes from a friend and breeder we started performance work. We first tried Rally Obedience and he took his Novice and Advanced titles in 3 trials each. I would love to think I am a good trainer but this guy is just so amenable and loves to work. We stopped Rally to focus on Agility and he has been ranked in Canada in Agility for the past 4 years. He enjoys playing at agility and is so keen that I can give him to kids and inexperienced handlers and he is happy to work for them. Zephyr has had a side job with PALS for over 6 years. He is a registered therapy dog and it has been wonderful sharing this boy with so many people who cannot own a dog. He has learned that if he swings around and sits beside the wheelchairs the people can reach him for a pet or cuddle. He is eternally patient and is happy wandering around disabled, seniors and children. Although he is approaching 11, I still find him on his back playing with toys or throwing them around to entertain himself.



Zephyr passed away last year before the agility competition season but did visit his friends in the months before he died. He is terribly missed by his family and by the people he entertained with his tricks. Zephyr was a PALS therapy dog who loved to spend time with the elderly and would always spin and sit next to the wheelchairs so he was easy to reach to pet. He was loved by many and has joined some of his people over the rainbow bridge. Zephyr had endless patience with disabled children allowing them to brush him as therapy for any length of time. With autistic children we would take a jump and the kids could take turns sending him over the jump usually accompanied with lots of clapping and delight. A true golden ambassador with his sunny nature, endless patience and love of children. – Loved by Annelise Freeman and all the many lives Zephyr touched.  

2020 No Applicants

2021 No Applicants

2022 No Applicants


​CH Auburnmist Powered by OToo CD NP AGIJ RN AGI JT NTD-M ATD

Owner: Annelise Freeman​​

Razzo spent hours at Foothills Hospital in both ICU B, the Special Services building and even the Cardiac unit. He brought smiles and “awww’s” wherever he went and was quick to get used to all the equipment, noise, hand sanitizer and constant beeping of alarms. I heard many comments about how calm and chill he was no matter what was going on. We got multiple requests to visit in both ICU B and Special Services. He learned to climb onto a chair so those who could not sit up could reach him. Razzo delighted in being petted by the staff, managed to bum treats, and never failed to cheer up those he met. I often would find a doctor or nurse on the floor cuddling him. As an ambassador for the breed he was always happy, friendly and he was delighted to meet everyone, adults and children.