The GRCA Top Dogs



The GRCA acknowledges the efforts of Club members whenever they attain any title or award on their dog. There are also special awards for Top Winning Show Dogs, High Scoring Obedience Dogs, Field Trial Dogs and Top Agility Dogs. These Awards are given based on CKC results from the previous year's achievements. {Awards for are given year are award in following year at AGM}.
The owner(s) of the Golden must be current members in good standing and all points earned toward any awards are counted after acceptance of membership.

These awards must be applied for each year, as they are not given automatically. The entry deadline is April 1 of each year.


Top Show Dog and Best of Opposite Sex
Awarded on the basis of the largest number of Goldens defeated in Breed competition. Only Goldens winning Best of Breed, Best of Opposite Sex, Best of Winners, Select or Winners Dog/Bitch may count defeats. Best of Breed would count all Goldens defeated in competition, Select Dog/Bitch or Best of Opposite Sex would count all Goldens defeated of that sex, Best of Winners would count all Goldens of both sexes defeated in class competition. In determining number of dogs defeated DO NOT count your own dog and remember to subtract absentees.

Top Show Puppy
Show Puppy will be determined on the basis of the number of defeats, Winners, Best of Winners, Best of Breed, Best of Opposite Sex and Best Puppy in Breed. This award is based on all wins by the Puppy before the age of twelve months and will be counted in the calendar year in which he/she reaches one year of age.

Bonus Points
The following bonus points will apply to those dogs placing in Group or going Best in Show:
Best in Show                  10 points
Best Puppy in Show      10 points
Best Puppy in Group       8 points
Group 1st                        8 points
Group 2nd                       6 points
Group 3rd                        4 points
Group 4th                        2 points

Only bonus points for the highest award earned are counted. i.e. For a Best in Show you get only 10 bonus points. NOT 10 points plus 8 points for the Group 1st.

Top Novice Dog Top Open Dog Top Utility Dog
The scores in Novice, Open, and Utility should be the top three scores earned in three separate Trials, in the same calendar year. A fourth score (if available) should be included in case of a tie. Scores may be from either the "A" or "B" classes.

The Highest Overall Golden
As recognition for excellence in obedience, this award will be given to the dog with the highest average obedience score, of 195 or better.

The Top Field dog will be based on points received in Licensed Field Trials.

Any dog that has achieved a WCX or MH title will be presented with an award. More than one dog may receive this award.

Top Novice Agility
Shall be awarded to the dog with the top three qualifying scores earned from each class (Standard, Jumpers, etc.), in the same calendar year, the Novice classes, regular, selected or veterans. Course times should be included in case of a tie. The greatest cumulative spread in allotted time vs. performed time shall be the final tie breaker.

Top Overall Agility
In recognition for excellence in agility, this award will be given to the dog with the highest overall accumulative total of qualifying scores earned in the same calendar year based on the point system below. Course times should be included in case of a tie. The greatest cumulative spread in allotted time vs. performed time shall be the final tie breaker.

Novice                1 Point
Intermediate       3 Points
Excellent            5 Points
Masters              7 Points


Top Rally Novice A Dog
Shall be awarded to the dog with the top three scores from Rally Novice A classes earned in three separate Trials, in the same calendar year. A fourth score (if available) should be included in case of a tie. If no applicants in the A division, this may be awarded to Novice B.

Top Overall Rally Dog
In recognition for excellence in rally, this award will be given to the dog with the highest overall points accumulated in the same calendar year based on scores earned using the following points schedule:

Rally Score Points
100               8
98 - 99          7
95 - 97          6
90 - 94          5
85 - 89          4
80 - 84          3
75 - 79          2
70 - 74          1 

Is given to any dog that has attained two or more titles or awards, of any kind, in the same calendar year. More than one dog may receive this award.

This award will be to recognize any Golden who promotes the breed through avenues other than competitive titling events. The dog who distinguishes himself in areas such as hospital visitations, schools, breed booths, pet expos, public education, or service to mankind in general will be the winner of this award. Dogs must be nominated for this trophy and may be nominated by any club member, including the dog's owner. A written statement of the reasons for the nomination and the dog's accomplishments must be submitted.

This award will be to recognize any Golden that has achieved a recognized CKC title in a minimum of four areas of activity.
To qualify the dog must have a “CH” + a field title + at least two other titles from different areas.
Example: “CH, JH, CDX, DD” or “CH, WCI, TD, AGN
There will be no limit on the time taken by the dog to achieve the required titles. However, this Award can only be earned once in the Dog's lifetime.

An annual top all round dog award to recognize the dog that has achieved the highest total of points based on the following criteria.

• Only CKC approved and completed titles are eligible.
• The dog must have titles in at least 3 or more approved areas of competition.
• The CKC approved areas of competition are: Agility, Conformation, Draft Dog, Field, Obedience and Tracking (please refer to the application form to view the point system)
• The dog must have attained a title during the year applying for the award.
• This award may be applied for each year up to and including the year in which the dog died. This award can only be won once by any one dog.

A maximum of 25 points can be earned in any one area. When calculating points, only the highest title in the area of competition counts; i.e., if the dog has a CDX, you only count the 17 points for that title, do not add RN, CD and CDX points. If the dog has more than one title in field, count the one with the highest point designation only.
THREE (3) Bonus Points for every verified health exam performed. (hips, heart, elbows, thyroid and current eye exam, plus any of the DNA exams; PRA1, prcd-PRA and Ichthyosis, etc.)

If two or more dogs are tied, the dog with completed titles in the most number of areas will be considered the winner. If two or more dogs are tied with the same number of areas competing in, the scores from the obedience section will be taken into consideration and the highest score will win.

If still a tie, then if evidence can be provided that a dog has legs towards new titles not yet completed, then this could act as a tiebreaker in the case of dogs having titles in the same number of areas.​

Please send a photo of your winning dog to post on the website to . Digital Certificates will be emailed to you.
Best wishes to everyone for a fun and successful  year!
Lori Lancaster: